Saving members headed for the exit
Churn Reduction

Saving members headed for the exit


Being fired by a customer never feels good. Members frequently churn due to UX struggles, buggy software, or not getting enough value. Regardless of the reason, the key is to identify the inflection point of when your customer gives up. Knowing when allows you to begin the remediation process and hopefully save your user from leaving.


Start by creating or gathering a list of the most valuable features that your members use. This could be visiting content, watching videos, or making a purchase.

You can use these key metrics to build a negative profile, meaning you can create usage profiles of users who have not been engaging in valued activity or are visiting less and less.

You can add usage tracking around key areas of your site where frustrated members might visit. Users who have frequented the FAQ or the cancellation section are definitely of interest since they have obvious intent.


With just a few clicks you can create a promotion asking your members if they need help. Easily integrate your CRM with a snap and take the opportunity to delight your customers.

Remediating your users with Redfast doesn't need to be in your face. We can be subtle and ready to assist when you need. Easily add an inline tile to integrate with your chat service to remind the user that you're always here to help.


Most growth managers believe that it is impossible to change a user's mind once they decide to cancel and, consequently, do nothing about it. Our customers have proven that a little effort can go a long way!

81 M
183 M
8% - 13%

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