User Experience

Redesigned for Speed and Repeatability

Like anything else, business software design also has trends. While trends are good because they breed familiarity, there can come a point where form and function collide. About four months ago, we saw that the same tasks were taking longer to complete by our users. We also saw that users were recreating the same elements for different purposes. That led us to a discussion where we made several important choices.

  • Move all reusable supporting elements to a common area. Triggers are a great example. Previously, the growth marketer would need to have the 'old' personalization in one window while they worked on the new one. By consolidating triggers into a single area, not only does it become a one-time task to create a trigger and reuse it, it is also possible for the more technical users to create more complicated triggers that business teams can use without worry. Under Settings, you can now create and reuse trackers, traits, triggers and actions.
  • Replace drill down style segment, personalization, pipeline, and sequence navigation with a scrollable, three pane navigation. The three pane model is all around us, most famously in email programs. Despite being around for a long time, it is remarkably efficient at enabling us to sift through large lists of information quickly without feeling overwhelming. We have many more improvements planned to allow you to sort and filter items in the middle pane to enable you to get to your task quickly.
  • Make Redfast Live powerful. What started as a debugging tool to let you see what a user might see has evolved into a swiss army knife that lets you point-and-click to add triggers, trackers, and personalizations anywhere on your site. We have big plans for Redfast Live, stay tuned for even more capability in the coming months.

Other new releases

Living Room Devices
Redfast now supports the most popular living room devices end to end. You can now monitor, target, and guide users on Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, Android TV, and Samsung TV devices.
An industry-first way to understand and manage your users based on the stage of their life cycle with your business.
Standardized Guidance Layouts
After processing billions of guidance events across multiple industries and devices, we have adopted the following eight layouts.
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